Phil Margera

Phil Margera is renowned as an American reality show actor, accountant, businessman, and TV personality. He is known for appearing on the MTV reality series “Viva La Bam” in 2003. Phil is also the father of two popular actors, Jess Margera and Bam Margera. Early Life and Age Phil Margera was born in 1957, on […]

Monica Braithwaite

Who is Monica Braithwaite? Monica Braithwaite is renowned as the pop star Rihanna’s mother. She came into the limelight as the mother of singer Rihanna. Rihanna is renowned as a famous songwriter, pop, and R&B singer of Barbadian origin. In addition, she is known as a Fashion Designer, Model, and actress. Rihanna is one of […]

Connie Kline

Connie Kline is a renowned retired U.S. Air Force Veteran, tax preparer, and accountant. She is well-known for being the ex-wife of famous Hollywood actor Jamie Foxx. Jamie’s real name is Eric Marlon Bishop. Jamie Foxx is a renowned American singer, songwriter, actor, and comedian from Texas. He gained popularity when he began his career […]